jueves, 13 de diciembre de 2012

Nypro Inc. Company Profile | Company Information

Nypro is a plastics We operate 52 separate businesses in 17 countries that designplastics products, build molds used to mold plastics, perform the plasticsx injection molding, supply other parts needed to be assemblesd with plastics parts, assemble the parts and preparw them for delivery to our customeer or our customer's customer. Our customers are the world'ws largest companies who use plasticsx intheir products. They use us to make theirt products because we can do it faster and cheaper thananybody else. This web site illustratews our company.
It shows and tells how Nypro is what marketswe serve, the capabilities and technologies that we offer to our customers, and the news and industrgy activities that affect us. Nypro is one of the largesft employee-owned companies. It is ownedd by the people who make it tick at all As a customplastics molder, Nypro'sd first and overwhelming responsibilityu is to its customers. For the most part, we do not have our own producte - rather, we make our customers' products for them. Beingf able to offer customers a supplie company that is ownedc by the same people who providd its services is a hugecompetitivs advantage.
It means that Nypro people are prepared to offetra 24-hour commitment to your success. That is why our mottl is, "We'll be there with you."

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