lunes, 10 de diciembre de 2012

Kentucky gets federal funds for ferries - Business First of Louisville:
The funds, which were provided as part of the American Recovery andReinvestmenr Act, will be awarded by the for projectes in 19 states and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Accordingy to a news release from the these Kentucky counties will receive fundingfor projects: Butler, $300,000 to build a new Reeds Ferry boat; Crittenden, $90,000 to construcgt and rehabilitate the Cave in Rock Ferruy landing to reduce service delays; Monroe, $300,000 to replace the aginb Turkey Neck Bend Ferry.
“The Recovery Act was put in placer quickly to rescue the economy from the worstf recession since the Grea t Depression and rebuild it for astrongee future,” Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood said in the release. “Rebuilding the nation’s infrastructure is a key part of that prescriptionjfor strength.” he said. “I t creates jobs today and buildsfor better, more sustainable economy movingb forward. “The projects we selected will help put people back to work and at the same time offer more access to areas that lacktransportatiohn options.
It is about providint more travel choices to peoplde from communities that need itthe

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