viernes, 21 de diciembre de 2012

Albany Medical College benefits from $960K cancer society award - The Business Review (Albany):
The grant will support the breast cancert reasearch being conductedby Dr. Ceshj Chen, in the Center for Cell Biology and Cancert Research atthe Albany, N.Y. medical It is the single largest grant ever presented by the Cancerr Society in the Albany Chen said breast cancer develops whencertaijn genes, called onocogenes, caused normal cells to transform into cancer He is attempting to "put a bullseye" on breast cancef by studying the behavior of an oncogene calledc WWP 1, which is active in over 40 percent of clinical tumof samples.
He and his colleagues have already demonstrated that inhibitionn of WWP1 retards thegrowth of, and even inducea death of, a subset of breastf cancer cells. "Our team's long-term goal is to see if WWP 1 gives off any unique molecular targets duringbreastg cancer," Dr. Chen said. "Once these targets could be used to develop new breasyt cancer testsand treatments."

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