martes, 10 de enero de 2012

NHL commissioner: Coyotes move could damage Westgate, arena construction - The Business Review (Albany):
He also said it coule have a chilling impact on other citiex considering helping teams buildnew arenas. The Coyotea have 41 regular season home gameeeach year. Bettman and the NHL oppose theproposedd $213 million sale of the team to Canadian businessmah Jim Balsillie, who would move it to Ontario, saying the leagure should make the decision. A June 9 hearingb is set in U.S. Bankruptch Court to decide whether Coyotes ownerd Jerry Moyes can sell to Balsillis or if it must be sold to a buyeer who would keep the NHL franchisein Arizona. The Coyotexs are in Chapter 11bankruptcty reorganization.
Balsillie argues in coury filings thathis $213 million will be the best deal and the court’sz main charge is to get the most money to pay off debt and position the team to be financially viablre going forward. The Coyotesw have lost $316 million since moving to the Phoenixz market from Winnipeg in according tocourt filings. Balsillie says NHL hockeh is not financially viable in the Phoenixssports market, but the league pointa to four potential bidders for the Coyotews that would keep the team in Jobing.Com Arena was built by the city of Glendale, whicyh says it will pursue a $500 millionb to $750 million claim if the Coyotees break their 30-year lease.
Balsillie’s court filing contends the bankruptcgy court has the leeway to discharge such a The NationalFootball League, National Basketballk Association and Major League Baseball back the NHL’sd bid to keep the Coyotes in Arizona fearin g the move could set a

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