domingo, 25 de noviembre de 2012

Poll: Most blame insurers, government for health costs - San Francisco Business Times:
About a third blamed insurers for the problem in the online poll conducter by theSilicon Valley/San Jose Business Journal between June 30 and July 7. "Insurerds are the biggest culpritor obstacles," wrot e reader Glenn Von Straatum. "Iu was involved with a billing industry pilot that showef complete transparency of costs in one system and hada bill/vieww for everyone (patients, doctors, hospital, insurer, etc). It was loved by patients for claritty of services provided with actual doctors foreasier billing, hospitals for inventory/service management, but the concept was never executed because of the insuranced companies.
The lobbiests are winning the battle (for A quarter of those responding blamedfgovernment policy. "If you want to blame don't forget the lawyers who have lobbiedd successfully year after year to blocktort Lawyers-gone-wild have infected and poisoned every aspect of healtnh care — providers, pharma, device insurers alike suffer from theirf scourge," wrote David Coats. "Ands our legislators who take money from them are more interestexd in lining their campaign war chests with contributions from the ABA and theirf members than looking out fortheitr constituents." Health care providers, the medical device and drug industryt were blamed by about 14 percent.
Abougt 10 percent said patients aremost "Is this really serious?!" asked Christian Garcia. "Yes, I get that greec is a big issue here. However, it's ultimatelyt the patient (us), that's to blame. We live but yet are less healthgy today. We exercise less, eat more, stresss more, work more, around family and friendxs less...and yet we blame corporationx for usbeing unhealthy?" "I wish I had more than one wrote David Laskin. "In additionh to insurers, the medical device, pharmaceutical industry and health-care providerzs share equally in greed.
I wish I could'v e put that more cleverly unfortunately it hurtstoo

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